Ffxiah slice bluetail
Ffxiah slice bluetail

This also would mean that Lu Shang and/or Ebisu looses almost all functionality. The system was easy to learn but hard to master.

ffxiah slice bluetail ffxiah slice bluetail

Strong rods were safe but you loose (a lot) of small fish. Fish don't get away with weak rods but have the possibility to break and loose your (expensive) lure. What i liked about the original retail fishing system is that you had to make a choice. It would be quite a big letdown if this is the case imho. I've been reading quickly through the guide and composite rod is advised for everything, even for the smallest fish.ĭoes this mean that unlike retail 2002 era you can't get fish too small and got away messages on Nasomi? I decided to skill this gap quickly and move on.)ĥ6 you say?! and only 4-6k Carp? well me to bud, if you are still going after the carp I would suggest going back to Yuhtunga, since the only fish you can get with insect paste can be turned in for quest. (So here we chould have went with Zeruhn Mines or some such and done carp + black eel, but there is just so much extra crap in the water with it, Catfish and crayfish. (Forest Carp can be turned in for Lu Shang quest as well) (You can most likely skip straight to Yuhtunga, was just testing it out for an hour or so) I used only Halcyon, yes I do know Composite rod is great. I have had people try and tell me they fished this or that but after hours trying for shall shells at 33, and Gold carps at 35, I'm sticking with 20.


From my own trial and error it seems 20 skill is the farthest we can go to still be able to reel in fish. (After 56 there is no viable spot to fish carp and skill up)Ī few things. I would like to now add the moat carp route that I took going 1-56.

Ffxiah slice bluetail